
2013年5月28日 星期二

NICE Fever Guidelines for Kids

Points that are most useful to those of us assessing kids in ED.
Temperature measurement myths dispelled
The NICE guidance clarifies the numbers: 
(a) 0-3 m.o. with BT > 38 ==> RED 
(b) 3-6 m.o. with BT > 39 ==> AMBER
(C) >6 m.o. BT height does NOT correlate with severity of the illness

Consider signs of meningitis; UTI; pneumonia; meningococcal disease; herpes simplex encephalitis. But also don’t forget about septic arthritis or osteomyelitis (easily missed). As an additional point always think of Kawasaki disease in a fever lasting more than 5 days.

The importance of tachycardia
This is one of the most valuable lessons I have learned and it has changed my practice over the last couple of years. I rarely send home a child with tachycardia when they have a fever of no clear focus.
NICE now says that tachycardia puts the child into amber.
Age <12 months HR >160
Age 12-24months HR>150
Age 2-5 years HR >140
Management – 3 months or older
Investigate fever with no source if they have any red features – FBC, CRP, B/C and urine. Consider LP, CXR, UEC and gas if indicated.
Investigate fever with no source if there are any amber features unless deemed unnecessary by an experienced paediatrician. This is clearly the greyest area. My rule of thumb is that if they look well (clinical judgement), and are not tachycardic then I would not bother doing bloods – NICE doesn’t offer any further advice on this unfortunately.
Check urine for all children with fever and no source, even if they are green.

As well as the meds, children should not be over-wrapped or underdressed. And tepid sponging is not recommended.
Use either paracetamol or ibuprofen but only for a child who appears distressed and not simply to bring down the fever. Don’t give both agents together and only switch agents if the child remains distressed.

When to discharge
Do not rely on the temp coming down with antipyretics to distinguish between serious and non-serious illness.
Any child with amber or red features should be reassessed after 1-2 hours.

When to admit
Use your usual markers of clinical conditions but also other social factors should help with decision: social circumstances; parental anxiety and instinct; serious infectious contacts; travel abroad; repeated presentations; when the child has remained ill for longer than expected for a self-limiting illness.

How to discharge
Give the parents advice on recognising red or amber signs by providing written information and/or arranging follow-up.

New in 2013 
Assess children using the new traffic light system to predict risk of serious illness (red: high-risk, amber: intermediate-rish, green: low-risk)
Recognise the importance of tachycardia and that this puts children into the amber (intermediate-risk category)
Any child younger than 3 months with fever should be investigated
Alternate antipyretics and don’t use both at the same time
Recognise that lowering the temp does not prevent febrile convulsions

2013年5月22日 星期三

[自行整理] Chap. 10: Tube Thoracostomy [Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine]

1. Chest tube insertion最常用的位置: Anterior Axillary line with 4th~5th ICS
2. Patient preparation:
(a) 床頭搖高 30~60 degrees & Abduction of ipsilateral arm (i.e. over head)
(b) 置放前先測量預訂深度: Insertion site至到clavicle (?Mid or distal)
3. 一定要把所有的side-holes放進pleural cavity; 只要管子在pleural cavity內, 任何的位置都可以引流blood, fluid以及air (air & fluid that is not loculated will follow the path of least resistance & enter a functioning drainage tube as the lung expands and the pleural space becomes smaller)
4. Anesthesia: GENEROUS local anesthesia (max: 4(7)mg/kg) should be given along the entire anticipated track of the tube's passage; (參考NEJM video)
5. Skin incision要夠長 (at least 4 cm, 用No. 10 blade scaplel)且通常在1~2根肋骨低於預進入的ICS
6. Pleural penetration通常是最痛的 (故居部麻醉時要麻到); Opening in the parietal pleura should be wide enough to comfortably insert a finger AND the tube; however an extensive pleural opening should be avoided to prevent subcutaneous emphysema
7. 永遠要確認pathway的patency! (不管是用手指或器械); 故把Kelly移除之前一定要留一根手指在pleura的洞口, 該根手指也可作為放置tube時的導引 (避免subcutaneous dissection with tube)
8. 用Kelly夾chest tube時要確保Kelly的金屬段不會跑出來(以免傷到lung)

2013年5月14日 星期二

[EKG] Differential Diagnosis

Leftward Axis Deviation
1. Pacemaker
2. WPW
3. Inferior MI
4. LVH
7. Hyperkalemia
8. (Normal variant)

Rightward Axis Deviation
1. Lateral MI
2. WPW
3. RVH
5. Pulmonary embolism
7. Na-channel blocker
8. Septal defect
9. Hyperkalemia

Wide QRS
1. BBB
2. WPW
3. Pacemaker rhythm
4. Na-channel blocker
5. LVH
6. Ventricular ectopic
7. Hyperkalemia or Acidosis

Short QT
1. Hypercalcemia
2. Digoxin Toxicity
3. (Congenital)

1. Electrolyte imbalance: HYPO-(K, Ca, Mg)
3. Medication: type Ia (quinidine, procainamide), type III (amiodaraone)
4. Hypothermia
5. (Congenital)

T-wave Inversion
1. WPW
2. Hypokalemia
3. CAD
4. Abnormal repolarization: BBB, pacemaker, ventricular hyperthrophy
5. ICH
6. Pulmonary disease: Pul. HTN, Hyperventilation, Pneumonia, Pul. embolism

2. Peri-/myocarditis
3. LVH
5. Ventricular aneurysm
6. Brugada
7. Hyperkalemia
8. CNS-effect (SAH)
9. Benign early repolarization
(口訣: LAP BAND)
LVH,LBBB / AMI / Pericarditis / Brugada,BER /Aneurysm(LV) / Neurological (SAH) / Drugs(cocaine)

2. Strain (due to ventricular hypertrophy)
3. Digitalis effect
4. Ischemia
5. Hypokalemia

definition:(QRS的amplitude): (a) lead (I + II + III) < 15 mm, or  (b) lead (V1 + V2 + V3) < 30 mm
1. "low power"
(a) Myxedema
(b) Cardiomyopathy
(c) Infiltrative disease (Sarcoidosis)
2. "blocked conduction"
(a) (air) COPD
(b) (fluid) pericardial/ pleural effusion
(c) (fat) obesity

2013年5月8日 星期三

[自行整理] Chap. 35: Methods of Wound Closure [Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine]

4種常見的wound closure方法:Tape, Tissue Adhesive(Glue), Metal Staples, Sutures

1. Indication
(a) Superficial straight lacerations under little tension (forehead, chin, malar eminence, thorax, non-joint extremities)
(b) Delayed suture removal (e.g. under plaster casts)
(c) Flaps and grafts in place, particularly over fingers, flat areas of extremities, and trunk
(d) Pretibial area
(e) After early suture removal (i.e. on the face)
(f) Areas due to vascular insufficiency or altered by prolonged steroid use
2. Contraindication
(a) Naturally moist areas (axilla, palm, sole & perineum)
(b) Secretions, copious exudates, or persistent bleeding
(c) High concentration of hair follicles (scalp)
3. Pearls & Pitfalls
(a) 傷口周圍一定要乾,止血要做好
(b) 先從傷口的中間開始貼, 要覆蓋傷口以外的2.5公分
(c) 不要整條傷口都被覆蓋 (?原因)
(d) 結束時要在貼紙的末端再貼上和傷口平行的貼紙 (避免tape ends blistering of skin)

Staples 最大的優點 -- Speed of closure
1. Indication: Linear lacerations with straight, sharp edges (superficial scalp lacerations)
2. Contraindication: Face, neck, hands or feet
3. Pearls & Pitfalls
(a) 傷口在approximation時要維持eversion (因為stapling會造成inversion)
(b) 不要用力往傷口壓 (以免造成ischemia within staple loop; 理想是離皮膚約2~3mm)