Neer classification of distal clavicle fractures.
Type I fracture occurs distal to the coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments (ie, trapezoid, conoid) and involves minimal fracture displacement. The acromioclavicular (AC) joint remains intact.
Type IIA fracture occurs medial to the conoid ligament. Type IIB fracture occurs between the CC ligaments and includes disruption of the conoid ligament. The trapezoid ligament remains intact.
Type III fracture occurs distal to the CC ligaments and extends into the AC joint.
Type IV fracture occurs in pediatric patients. The physis and epiphysis remain adjacent to the AC joint, but there is displacement at the junction of the metaphysis and physis.
In type V fracture, a small inferior clavicular fragment remains attached to the CC ligaments.
只有Type II & V需要early orthopedic consultation due to unstable (Minor Emergencies 2e, P434)